Get the last activities of a user.
web3 account instance
Name | Description |
userOptions.safeAddress string
Safe address of user |
userOptions.limit number
pagination page size |
userOptions.offset number
pagination start index |
userOptions.timestamp number
show only messages after this time |
userOptions.filter symbol
optional filter for message types |
List of latest activities
Upload an avatar image to storage.
Returns url, file name and file type of the uploaded image
Delete from storage an avatar image whose url is not connected to any user entry.
web3 account instance
Returns true when successful
Base class of CirclesCore.
instance of Web3
global core options
Type: Web3
Get the last news activities.
List of latest activities
Returns true if there are enough balance on this Safe address to create an organization account.
web3 account instance
has enough funds
Create a new organization account
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Find out if address is an organization
web3 account instance
True if organization
Organizations do not hold their own Token and need to be prefunded with a Circles Token to be functional from the beginning (in case transactions are going through the relayer). This method is a special workaround to create a trust connection to a regular user to then transfer Tokens from that user to the organization.
This method only works if the user and the organization owner are the same as transactions are signed with the same private key.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Returns a list of organization members.
web3 account instance
list of members with connected safes and owner address
Predict Safe address.
web3 account instance
Predicted Gnosis Safe address
Returns status of a Safe in the system. Is it created or already deployed?
web3 account instance
Safe status
Register a to-be-created Safe in the Relayer and receive a predicted Safe address.
web3 account instance
Predicted Gnosis Safe address
Returns true if there are enough balance on this address to deploy a Safe.
web3 account instance
has enough funds
Requests the relayer to not wait for the Safe deployment task. This might still fail when the Safe is not funded or does not have enough trust connections yet.
web3 account instance
returns true when successful
Requests the relayer to deploy a Safe for an organization. The relayer funds the deployment of this Safe when the account is already known and verified / already has a deployed Safe from before.
web3 account instance
returns true when successful
Finds the Safe addresses of an owner.
web3 account instance
Safe address
Returns a list of all owners of the given Gnosis Safe.
web3 account instance
array of owner addresses
Add an address as an owner of a given Gnosis Safe.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Remove owner of a given Gnosis Safe.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Get Safe version.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Update Safe version to the last version (v1.3.0) by changing the the Master Copy.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Returns true if there are enough balance on this Safe address to deploy a Token contract.
web3 account instance
has enough funds
Returns the direct send limit to a user.
web3 account instance
send limit
Deploy new Circles Token for a user.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Get Token address by passing owner address.
web3 account instance
Token address (when not deployed returns zero address)
List all available tokens of this user.
web3 account instance
list of all tokens with ownerAddress, address and amount
Get summarized balance of all or one Token owned by a user.
web3 account instance
current balance
Find Transitive Transfer Steps using either the cli or the server version of the pathfinder2. The algorithms compute the maximum flow in a trust network between two users. It returns the maximum flow and the transfer steps in the graph for a value (when possible).
This method does not execute any real transactions.
web3 account instance
search arguments
Name | Description |
userOptions.from string
sender Safe address |
userOptions.to string
receiver Safe address |
userOptions.value BN
value for transactions path |
userOptions.hops number
max number of trust hops away from 'from' to find transfer steps. Ignored if pathfinderType is 'server' |
userOptions.maxTransfers number
limit of steps returned by the pathfinder service. Ignored if pathfinderType is 'cli' |
maximum possible Circles value and transactions path
Update the transitive transfer steps from someone to someone for an amount of Circles.
This method does not execute any real transactions.
web3 account instance
search arguments
Name | Description |
userOptions.from string
sender Safe address |
userOptions.to string
receiver Safe address |
userOptions.value BN
value for transactions path |
userOptions.hops number
maximum number of trust hops away from them sending user inside the trust network for finding transaction steps |
steps are updated
Transfer Circles from one user to another.
web3 account instance
Name | Description |
userOptions.from string
sender address |
userOptions.to string
receiver address |
userOptions.value BN
value |
userOptions.paymentNote string
optional payment note stored in API |
userOptions.hops number
maximum number of trust hops away from them sending user inside the trust network for finding transaction steps |
userOptions.maxTransfers number
limit of steps returned by the pathfinder service. Ignored if pathfinderType is 'cli' |
transaction hash
Return the payment Note of an transaction from or to the user.
web3 account instance
Payment note, null when not given or not allowed
Return the current value of the pending UBI payout.
web3 account instance
payout value
Request a UBI payout.
web3 account instance
Transaction hash
Find out if safe address has enough incoming trust connections.
web3 account instance
Trust state and number of connections
Get a Safe trust network with mutual trusts connections. The network is created based on the people the safe trusts (incoming) and the people that trust this Safe (outgoing)
web3 account instance
Safe trust network
Give other users possibility to send their Circles to you by giving them your trust.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Revoke a trust connection with a user. You don't allow this user to transfer their Token to or through you.
web3 account instance
transaction hash
Makes a dry-run registration to check if the username and email are valid.
web3 account instance
Returns true when successful, otherwise throws error
Register a new username and email address and connect it to a Safe address.
web3 account instance
Returns true when successful
Update username, email address, and/or image url, connected to a deployed Safe address.
web3 account instance
Returns true when successful
Delete user entry connected to a deployed Safe address.
web3 account instance
Returns true when successful
Find multiple user entries by Safe address and username.
web3 account instance
List of users
Search for users by username.
web3 account instance
List of users
Get email of user.
web3 account instance
Email of the user
Update the profile migration consent of a user, connected (or not) to a deployed Safe address.
web3 account instance
Returns true when successful
Get the profile migration consent value of a user.
web3 account instance
Whether or not the user has given their consent
Iterate on a request until a response condition is met and then, returns the response.
request to iterate on
condition function that checks if request will be call again
response of the target request
Detect an Ethereum address in any string.
Ethereum address or null
Convert to fractional monetary unit of Circles named Freckles.
value in Freckles
Convert from Freckles to Circles number.
value in Circles
Send an API request to the Gnosis Relayer.
Query the Graph Node with GraphQL.
Query the Graph Node or Land Graph Node with GraphQL.
Get a list of all tokens and their current balance a user owns. This can be used to find the right token for a transaction.
List of tokens with current balance and address
Send Transaction to Relayer and pay with Circles Token.
web3 account instance
query options
Name | Description |
userOptions.safeAddress string
address of Safe |
userOptions.to string
forwarded address |
userOptions.txData Object
encoded transaction data |
userOptions.transferData Object
optional raw data for transfers, use to avoid collision in the use of the tokens |
userOptions.isCRCVersion boolean
is the Safe v1.1.1+Cirlces, false by default |
transaction hash
Send a transaction to the relayer which will be executed by it. The gas costs will be estimated by the relayer before.
web3 account instance
query options
Name | Description |
userOptions.safeAddress string
address of Safe |
userOptions.to string
forwarded address (from is the relayer) |
userOptions.gasToken string
address of ERC20 token |
userOptions.txData Object
encoded transaction data |
userOptions.value number
value in Wei |
userOptions.isCRCVersion boolean
is the Safe v1.1.1+Cirlces, false by default |
transaction hash
Make a request to the Circles server API.
API response
Make a request to the Circles server API.
API response
Estimates the total gas fees for a relayer transaction.
web3 account instance
transaction options
Name | Description |
userOptions.safeAddress string
address of Safe |
userOptions.to string
forwarded address (from is the relayer) |
userOptions.gasToken string
address of ERC20 token |
userOptions.txData Object
encoded transaction data |
userOptions.value number
value in Wei |
estimated gas fees